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The International “Lombardia è Ricerca” Award returns and is renewed by Regione Lombardia. This award, valued at 1 million euros, recognizes research and innovations with significant scientific and social impact in the Life Sciences field. It serves as a concrete tool to support excellent projects and simultaneously foster fruitful collaborations in the territory, with important outcomes for the Lombardy research ecosystem.

A Topic of Public Interest

The 2025 edition of the award is dedicated to “Innovative Methods in Early Diagnosis or Preventive Medicine,” aiming to improve the life expectancy and quality of life for citizens. This is, therefore, a topic of particular interest, even beyond the strictly medical field.

The New Features: Applications and the Project to Be Developed in Lombardy

Applications for the International “Lombardia è Ricerca” Award can be submitted by scientists of any nationality who have made a significant contribution to the theme of the 2025 edition and who have a h-index of at least 50 in the Scopus database, as evidence of a proven scientific production.

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An important new feature is that each scientist can submit their own application for the 2025 award theme (unlike previous editions, where one had to be nominated by other researchers).

Applications will be open from March 18 to July 8, 2025.

The application form will be available starting March 18 on this platform, in the section dedicated to the International “Lombardia è Ricerca” Award.

Another novelty is that applicants must simultaneously submit a translational research project to be carried out in collaboration with one or more public or private research organizations in Lombardy. The project, therefore, becomes a key element at the time of the application and will be evaluated by the Selection Jury.

In this new context, 30% of the award will be assigned to the winning scientist (or winning scientists), while 70% of the 2025 Award will be allocated to support the translational project linked to the application.

Award Ceremony at the Research Day

The International “Lombardia è Ricerca” Award is presented to the winner (or winners, in the case of joint research) during a special public event on November 8 at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan: the “Research Day2, organized by Regione Lombardia and promoted together with the Umberto Veronesi Foundation to highlight the contribution of research and innovation.

The Region of Lombardy’s Choice

These are the essential elements of the 2025 edition of the International “Lombardia è Ricerca” Award, as outlined in the Regulations approved by the Lombardy Regional Government at the proposal of the Regional Minister for Universities, Research, and Innovation, Alessandro Fermi.

“The November 8 event at the Research Day,” comments Minister Fermi, “is a very important occasion because every year we present a 1 million euro award. With this event, we want to continue being a point of reference for Research and Innovation, two essential areas for a region like ours, which has been achieving remarkable results in these fields for years. Specifically, in the Life Sciences, our Universities and public and private research centers have achieved outstanding results. This sector also contributes more than 12% to Lombardy’s total GDP in added value. Excellence in research and innovation,” Fermi concludes, “represents the driving force to find increasingly effective treatment solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s patients.”

For more information on the award ceremony, guests, and to view videos of past Research Days, click here.

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Eligible Research

The International “Lombardia è Ricerca” Award 2025 will be dedicated to innovations or scientific, pharmacological, technological, or operational contributions that enable the early identification of diseases and increasingly targeted and personalized interventions to prevent their onset.

Specifically, here are the areas of interest considered for Early Diagnosis: timely disease detection; innovations in radiology, histopathology, or laboratory fields; genomic and proteomic approaches to diagnostics; use of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis. These are the areas considered for Preventive Medicine: personalized screening and preventive interventions; vaccination and immunization; genetic and molecular approaches to prevention; health promotion and disease prevention.

The Role of the Jury

The selection of the winner is entrusted, as always, to an International Selection Jury of 15 members, chosen through the Scopus database in specific areas outlined in the Regulations of the 2025 “Lombardia è Ricerca” Award. Professor Alberto Mantovani, immunologist and winner of the 2024 edition, is invited to join the jury.

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